dinsdag 26 april 2011

For the book lover

Looking for the right gift for somebody can be difficult. Especially when it's an adult. Every year, we stumble upon the same problem. You can always give them money, but just giving it to them is always feel so unpersonalized. This time, I have the perfect solution!

When you know that he or she is a book lover person, but you just don't know what books they will like, you can always give them money to buy the book. But this time, with a nice bookmark accompany the money. I folded the money, and I made a nice bow of it and fastened it with the bookmark I made. This is the end result:

I'm sure he/she will love it!

Fimo clay-Polymer

Fimo clay is polymer clay that can be heated in the oven, for 20-30 minutes, to hardened it. And then you can apply some coating to make it looked polished, put in a bit of wire, and there you have your own handmade charm. And when you are creative enough, you can make it looked like anything! Like in this website:
You can find on youtube lots of video on how to make it yourself.

Since I use lots of charms, the next step for me is to make my own charm. My husband has some Fimo clay left from his 'make your own monster' project, and so I used some of the leftover to make a charm. Well, it works, but since I don't use any tool except both my hands, it doesn't really look that well-made actually. But it's glow in the dark! And I put on a face with acrylic paint on it. This is the result: taa-daaaa!

I think I will make another bookmark for myself using this charm. Next time I will make a better one to sell. Honestly, it's more difficult than it looks on the video.

Bookmark full beads

For this bookmark, I use small rocailles beads and some bigger beads at the both end. I did this because I use nylon wire, and it will not look nice if you left some part without beads. If you want to make something like this as well, keep in mind that you should add some more length to the final length. If the wire is too short, it will be difficult to close it in the end. You can always cut the excess wire later on.

It is quite simple to make actually, but it takes more time than other bookmarks because you have to put in the beads one by one. And it will take even longer when the wire slip off your hand and all the beads falling out of it. My record is to make it in half an hour, as I did once. The others cost me around an hour to make them. That's why it's not really my favorite to make.

If you think it's cute and want to have it, I sell it for €3,50 each.
Code: FB Blue, FB orange, FB pink

zaterdag 23 april 2011

The green soldier

At my work, I saw a nice keychain. I asked the owner if I may have a quick glance at it. It looks like a man, made with wood beads. Remember that I still have some of the wood beads left, I can't wait until I got home to try to reproduce it.

I made it! and I even add some adjustment myself, I add a seashell hat and a feather. It was a keychain at first, but then i change my mind. As a keychain, the feather will be damaged easily, and so I turned it into a bookmark.

And here is the result: the green soldier that will guard your book from naughty hands, from people that want to fold a page, rip a page off, or even worse... STEAL YOUR BOOK!

maandag 11 april 2011

50 more to go...

This is some of what I have made so far.
My plan is to sell it on the Queen's day (the day you can sell anything for free)
on April 30th. For that purpose, I should make more of it.

The problem is, I want to make each piece special and different, and sometimes I don't have enough inspiration. But I'm sure I will be able to do it! I love beads! Let's bead it :)

maandag 4 april 2011

Green o green

Green is so fresh, and you can combine green with many other fresh colour like yellow.
That is what I do here. My friend asked me to make one green bookmark (for a man), but it become so girlish, that I made another one instead.
The first picture is the final product, yes it still looks like candy, but we both agree that it's more suitable for a man than the one before (picture on the right).

But in the end, I still have to change the colour once more, it become brown-black-brown. The most difficult part in making this bookmark is getting the nylon wire through the seashell... You can't really see where the wire is going, so it takes a while. But when you are succeeded, the rest is just a piece of cake.

And I remember now, the name of these stripes beads is 'Resin Kraal'.
It's very light, come in many colours, and looks so cute, like candy!

Orange Holland, here I am

Hai there!

My name is Michelle, but everybody call me Missy. And since a few months, I'm addicted to beads. That's why the name 'Missy Beadies'. I'm so addicted that I spend almost all my free time to make something with beads. At first I made bracelet, keyring, bathroom decoration, etc. But then I found this cute bookmarks on the internet, and on the shop. The one sold on the shop are extremely expensive. So I thought, 'I can better make it myself!', and so I did.

Before I know, I made too much bookmarks, and I can't stop. I have already give it to some of my friends as a gift, but then I bought more and more beads from the internet. And so I made more and more bookmarks... so addicted.

I made a facebook account to sell it, and here I am now as well, putting some of the story behind the bookmarks. I hope it can inspire you all, and if you like it, you can always buy it! *big grin*