dinsdag 26 april 2011

Bookmark full beads

For this bookmark, I use small rocailles beads and some bigger beads at the both end. I did this because I use nylon wire, and it will not look nice if you left some part without beads. If you want to make something like this as well, keep in mind that you should add some more length to the final length. If the wire is too short, it will be difficult to close it in the end. You can always cut the excess wire later on.

It is quite simple to make actually, but it takes more time than other bookmarks because you have to put in the beads one by one. And it will take even longer when the wire slip off your hand and all the beads falling out of it. My record is to make it in half an hour, as I did once. The others cost me around an hour to make them. That's why it's not really my favorite to make.

If you think it's cute and want to have it, I sell it for €3,50 each.
Code: FB Blue, FB orange, FB pink

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